How Sheltering In Place Is Improving My Mental and Emotional Health

I am embracing this downtime brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the most unimaginable global experience of our lifetime. It has shattered families and oddly enough bought families closer together. We are living a real paradox. 

When it was announced back in March that schools would be closed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, I can’t say I was sad. It was actually what I needed.

Burned out and looking for a way to exit my fast pace daily grind, I was looking forward to the upcoming summer so I could stop! My dream came two months early with nationwide shutdowns. Sheltering in place was a lot to process at first because I had no idea how our lives would play out each day. But I quickly embraced the change of pace. 

Better parenting

With the intensity of a fast-paced corporate career, single parenting, running a home solo, and sharing on the blog, I was maxed out mentally. I realized that I was parenting on edge and I desperately wanted to slow down. Being a better listener and expressing patience to embrace my daughter was more important to me than being on time for school or any other important thing on my long priority list. I longed to be a mom who listened and enjoyed hearing what my daughter was saying.

Every day was a mad dash to the car with breakfast in hand. I’ve even forgotten my shoes a couple of times. Yes, I made it halfway to work before realizing I did not have my shoes at least twice. 

Now, I can wake up and take time to create an effective plan for the day before sounding the alarm to make it downstairs in 20 min. My heart is racing thinking about this. 

I believe I am a better mom now and I can enjoy my daughter more than a few hours a day. 

Woman standing on a bench near a lake holding a hat

Lowered expenses

Whew on this one! I can’t get over how much money I am NOT spending. With fewer obligations to be at the next committed event, I am saving money. The less time we spend roaming about, the less money I seem to spend. From no longer attending birthday parties to canceled social school events, sitting still has helped me better plan and track our spending. Because I know I am spending less, we can reach our financial goals sooner. I am also able to remain focused when drafting a financial plan for our future. 

Rediscovering the outdoors

Yes, I am a southern girl. But after being tied all day to my desk at work and secondly, to my car running around, I had no desire to be outside much before the pandemic hit. Any extra time away from my daily rat race was spent relaxing indoors to recover.

Now my daughter and I are rediscovering the outdoors. the way I enjoyed it as a child. Afternoon walks, jumping rope, bike riding, fishing, and regular road trips to Alabama have reconnected me to my love for being outdoors. 

Woman wearing a white dress standing on a bench near a lake holding a hat

As devastating as this virus has been, we can sever the good and plan for a future when the pandemic ends. Don’t miss the opportunity to recharge and reconnect to improve your mental and emotional health. 
