Keto Sea Salt Caramel Coffee Milkshake Recipe

Since I was given a pre-diabetic diagnosis a couple of years ago, I desperately needed to change my diet. The thought of insulin shots and managing diabetes was not an option for me. So I jumped on the keto diet cruise ship and it has been so worth it. I lost weight, and never heard another word from my doctor about my numbers tipping toward being diabetic. 

Keto Sea Salt Caramel Coffee Milkshake Recipe featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Hurry in Time: Rebel ice cream with a milk jar on a table
Keto Sea Salt Caramel Coffee Milkshake Recipe featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Hurry in Time: Rebel ice cream with a milk jar on a table
Keto Sea Salt Caramel Coffee Milkshake Recipe featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Hurry in Time: ice cream shake sitting on a table with coffee and milk
Keto Sea Salt Caramel Coffee Milkshake Recipe featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Hurry in Time: tea spoons and straws on a table for ice cream

HOWEVER, I still want to eat sweets without the risk of drastically increasing my blood sugar. Let’s just say, I have been figuring out how to find and make good sweets to eat. 

The best thing is I don’t have to work too hard because there are great keto diet options in most specialty grocery stores, and they are easy to identify. But keto deserts can be pricy if you are not making your desserts from scratch. 

Rebel ice cream is one of my favorite sweets options and the sea salt caramel is outstanding. There are only 5.8g net carbs per pint and your taste buds will be in sugar heaven. That sugar crave will be beaten without compromising your health.  

Keto Sea Salt Caramel Coffee Milkshake Recipe featured by top Atlanta lifestyle blogger, Hurry in Time: Rebel caramel ice cream on a wood table

Sea Salt Caramel Coffee Milkshake (Keto-Friendly)

Although my taste buds have adjusted to a low sugar tolerance, this recipe is great for any sugar tolerance level. Did I mention it takes only five minutes to make after lightly thawing? 

I hope you enjoy this sea salt caramel coffee milkshake recipe. Leave your comments below and let me know how you liked it. 


  • 1 Pint of Rebel salted caramel ice cream
  • 1/3 cup of coffee
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
  • 1/3 cup of half and half milk, or coconut mil
  • Pinch of pink salt

Remove the ice cream from the freezer and follow the instructions on the carton to get started. Based on how thick you like your shakes, allow thawing. 

Scoop the pint of ice cream into a blender. Combine coffee, cocoa powder, vanilla, and milk, into the blender and pulse until smooth and well combined. You can add more coffee or milk as needed for desired thickness. 
